Random Snippets

Today I will be doing a post filled with random snippets of things I've been doing or photographing lately. Like my tagline says, my blog is basically a bunch of random snippets made into posts, but I decided to make a random snippet of a post filled with random snippets. 🙂 The first subject will be on … Continue reading Random Snippets

Robins and Rain

How are you doing tonight? Remember those two little robins and the egg that I posted a picture of in this post? Well, the egg hatched and they are growing like crazy! I got the photos below a few days ago, and today when I looked they had changed so much. They were getting tons … Continue reading Robins and Rain

Going Nest Hunting

Hello everyone! 🙂 Phew, it's dreary here. It's rained almost everyday for three. Whole. Weeks. Isn't that annoying? :/ Sigh. Some people said they'd like to see my nest-hunting adventure, so here it is. 😉 To start with, I found this robin nest. It had four eggs when I took the picture, but yesterday it … Continue reading Going Nest Hunting

Day 4/7 of the 7 Day Nature Challenge

Hello! Yesterday I didn't have wi-fi most of the day (oh HORRORS! XD) so I missed a day, but I'll just do it today. 😛 Here it is: I don't know what kind of bird built this nest, but I like her taste! 😛 The moss makes it look really neat. 😉 I nominate Kaitlyn … Continue reading Day 4/7 of the 7 Day Nature Challenge