Random Snippets #2

Well, I have it scheduled to write a post today in my blogging schedule, so here I am.

Heh heh. Yeah, I don’t have a blogging schedule in case you haven’t noticed by the lack of posts in the last two weeks. But today is the day when I shall break that streak! I have lots of random photography and topics that I wanted to post about, so I decided to do another one of my random posts. I haven’t done one in forever anyway.

My last post was about random events that happened over Summer, but this post will have more random photography and thoughts and such.

Shall we begin?

Topic #1: Finger Ducks

I invented these a few weeks ago and they are truly amazing. I have prepared a tutorial for you all so that you can have your very own finger ducks.

Step 1: Gather your supplies.Ā You will need fingers and a Sharpie/pen.


Step 2: Make the eyes.Ā Select a finger to use, and make two eyes right above the fingernail.


Step 3: Make the nose (or beak?) holes.Ā Make two more dots towards the bottom of your fingernail for the nose/beak holes.


Step 4 (optional): Make a line around the beak. (This is optional, but my friend and sister thinks it makes the duck look better. The original finger duck didn’t have this though.) Trace your fingernail with your pen or Sharpie to outline the beak.


I hope this was a helpful tutorial! I’m sure finger ducks will be quite valuable in future situations where… I don’t know. You need ducks on your fingers?

You can also make toe ducks, but if you go barefoot like me (betcha couldn’t guess that I ever went barefoot) then your toes might not be the best canvas for ducks.

**Note** I didn’t get a new camera, I just took this pictures with Allison’s. And yes, I have not yet mastered a dSLR as you can see from the orangeish tint.

Topic #2: Jeff’s Welded Creations

My brother Jeff saw some welded creations in a gift shop when we went to Amelia Island, FL this summer and he decided he wanted to make his own. He’s made five or six things so far and I really like them. Here are two pictures of his creations.



Besides the baseball player (which he painted, in case you couldn’t tell) and scooter man, Jeff has also made a dog, a guy walking a dog, and an airplane. The scooter man was his first one and all the others he gave away as gifts so now he just has scooter man.

Topic #3: Thistles

I took some pictures of thistles by a fence the other day and so here they are. I don’t like the actual thistle plant, but I do like the flowers. šŸ™‚

thistle 1

thistle 2

thistle 3

thistle 4

thistle 5

thistle 6

thistle 7

thistle 8

thistle 9

thistle 10

thistle 12

Topic #4: Art Lately

I’m not a huge artist, but I do enjoy making ATCs (Artist Trading Cards – learn about them here) and I’ve been making a bunch lately. (You can see my finger duck in most of these pictures.)

This one was inspired by flowers printed on some tissue paper I got at Hobby Lobby. šŸ˜€


Not a very great picture, but this one is just a flatlay sort of drawing.


YAY FOR SILLY SONGS WITH LARRY! This is from one of my favorite silly songs, “Endangered Love” (see the masterpiece here).


This one’s not my favorite because the colors are kinda muddled and it looks kind of sketchy, but I drew this off of a picture I had taken of some sunflowers in our flower bed.


I decided to do a sunset/sunrise over a lake with my new Prismacolor colored pencils. The colors didn’t blend quite like I had hoped but it was fun to make. šŸ™‚


I drew a succulent and didn’t know what to do with the extra space so I did a bible verse. šŸ™‚


Random poppy-like flower.


This is one of my favorites. It’s off of a picture my sister took but I just made it a bit more cartoon-y. Snickers is adorable!




Random orange and blue pineapple.


This is probably the one of the randomest ATCs I’ve made. I was going to make it into a song lyric calligraphy sort of thing, but I messed up so I colored over everything with blue except a tiny spot where I made a duck.



And finally, BASIL! This looks quite like a lot of my art – sketchy, smudgy, and slightly disproportionate – but hopefully Basil’s cuteness and her lopsided ears make up for it.


Topic #5: Rainbows

The other day there was a beautiful rainbow that I got some surprisingly decent pictures of.

At first it was kind of faint and hardly visible…


But after a few minutes it got way brighter!


Annoying waterspots on my lens.



This is my favorite picture of the ones I got. šŸ™‚


Topic #6: Donkeys

I don’t believe I’ve talked much about my love of donkeys on here. So now I shall.

I guess I’ve always liked donkeys, but last year I started really liking them. They just look so calm, gentle, and at ease with the world! And their ears are amazing. They just seem so lovable!

I want a donkey.


I have asked for a donkey for my birthday and put it on mom’s shopping list (sadly I don’t think Walmart had donkeys) but I have no donkey yet. I’m not exactly saving up for one yet ’cause I’m not sure if I’ll be able to get one, but I really hope to sometime.

It's a donkey in a flower crown!


I think mini donkeys are cute too, but I’d prefer a full-sized donkey. They seem more donkey-ish and they also have bigger ears. Sadly, I haven’t found a very practical use for a donkey yet. I have convinced several of my family members that donkeys are fantastic though!



So if you all have any tips for getting donkeys or any good uses for donkeys (besides amazing, fantastic, long-eared, adorable pets) do tell.

Topic #7: Baseball

Sorry, I know most of you aren’t very into sports (and especially not poor forgotten baseball), but this is my blog so I shall talk about baseball, even if it’s only a bit. Humph. šŸ˜›

Anyway, the Nationals didn’t make it past the first postseason series. šŸ˜¦ The Cubs beat them (but the Nats did pretty good). The Cubs were beaten last night by the Dodgers though, so they won’t be able to play in the World Series. (I’m actually kinda happy about that because they won last year plus we got beaten by the Cubs.) So the Dodgers will either play the Astros or the Yankees. If the Yankees win their game with the Astros tonight then they’ll go to the World Series. The Astros, however, need to win two more games before the Yankees win one to make it to the World Series. I’m personally rooting for the Astros (but I’m not terribly opinionated; the Yankees are fine too) to win the World Series.

Now wasn’t that interesting?

Oh, be quiet crickets.

Thus ends my random snippets post. I hope you all enjoyed it?

have you heard any silly songs with larry? which is your favorite?

tips for why i should get a donkey/how to get a donkey?

do you have a favorite baseball team?

megan sign-off 2

P.S. I kind of revamped my “WordPress Kid Blogs” site which you can take a look at here.

123 thoughts on “Random Snippets #2

  1. That Baseball guy that your brother made is soooo COOL!! I LOVE it!! I’m a baseball fan myself, though I don’t super have a preference between the Astro’s and the Yankee’s I am also rooting for the Astros! Donkeys are very cute! Beautiful Rainbow pictures! I’m sure many people will find finger ducks useful… šŸ™‚


    1. Yeah, it is neat! That’s my favorite of the ones he’s made. Well, that’s a good team to root for since they just made it to the World Series. šŸ™‚ Do you have a favorite team? Thanks Liz! Yeah, I’m sure finger ducks will be life savers. XD


      1. I am a Giants fan! Sadly they didn’t do so well this year, but they won the World Series in 2010, 2012, and 2014, so they can’t win every year….
        šŸ™‚ šŸ™‚ šŸ™‚
        You’re a Nationals fan right?


    1. I’m guessing you don’t want the Dodgers to win the WS then? šŸ˜› After the Nats beat the Giants my friend would always say “we beat Buster Posey!” whenever his name was mentioned. I have no idea why though. XD


  2. Silly songs with Larry! Lance the Turtle, and I love my lips!
    It’s a lip it’s a lip it’s a lipliplip it’s a lip it’s a lip it’s a lipliplip….
    DONKEYS! ATCS! This was a very interesting post to read!
    ~ Light4theLord


    beautiful art, btw! <33 and cute ideas and lovely rainbow. =o xo


  4. Fun! The welding is amazing, had he ever done it before?
    I like your ATC’s! They turned out great! The VeggieTales drawing is really good!! šŸ˜€
    I can actually see a double rainbow in the 3rd rainbow picture! The one with the barn is pretty šŸ™‚
    Donkeys do sound pretty sweet, now that I think about it… (I literally looked up purpose of having donkey to see if I could find an answer to your request XD . Something about calming horses and being good with kids? šŸ™‚ )
    Fun post!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yeah, he’d welded some before I think. šŸ™‚ I’m not sure how much small welding he’d done though.
      Thank you! Larry was actually harder to draw than I thought he would be.
      Oh yeah! I’ve heard they’re good for protecting cattle too! Maybe that would be a good reason.


  5. YAY YOU POSTED! I read this on my phone in a hotel and it took forever to load, but it was worth it! XD
    The fingers ducks are incredible. A true stroke of genius. šŸ˜›
    Whoa, Jeff’s creations are amazing! He should sell those! šŸ˜®
    The thistle pictures are so gorgeous. I love the ones with the bee!
    Oooh, your ATCs are awesome! My favorites are the sunset, both of the bunny ones, and the succulent/bible verse one. šŸ˜€
    I LOVE THE LAST RAINBOW PICTURE! *pins it* It’s so pretty!
    DONKEEEEYYSSSSS. Some people on our road got two donkeys that live with their horses. I’ll try to get a picture for you sometime. šŸ˜› As for good uses for donkeys…. hmm. Can you ride a donkey? If so, then it counts as a useful and unusual method of transportation. Maybe. XD
    Hey, the baseball stuff actually was somewhat interesting! šŸ˜‰
    I love your random snippets posts. šŸ˜€

    -Clara ā¤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I did indeed! XD Oh dear. Well, I’m glad you thought it was worth it.
      I think so too. I’m quite proud of them. XD
      Yeah! He should!
      THANKS! šŸ˜›
      WOOHOO! Gasp, donkeys for neighbors? Oh my. šŸ˜›
      Really? Yay!
      Thanks Clara!

      Liked by 1 person

  6. OH MY!!!! WOW, I LOVE the new design on your blog!!!! I had no idea you were changing it! WOW! It’s super neat! Can’t wait to see what it looks like when you’re done!!!!!! Now I’l read the post and actually make a comment that has to do with it! I’ve missed talking to you lately! We REALLY need to have a chat sometime soon!!!!


  7. A good use for Donkeys are when they are in a petting zoo! šŸ˜‰ Also, they draw QUITE the crowd when you walk them around town!XD Hehe! It’s so great!!!! šŸ™‚ You should TOTALLY get some!


      1. šŸ˜€ šŸ˜€ Maybe you should travel over to where I am and get a Donkey! šŸ˜‰ I have a joke for you:
        How does a donkey unlock his stall?
        (you can’t cheat and look it up! XD)


      1. You are much welcome. *shudders because you left off the period at the end of your sentence*


  8. I’m sorry for spamming you with comments, Megan! I just found your blog, and I have been reading through your old posts. šŸ™‚ Quite delightful! Anyways, I have been to Amelia Island several times, though I do not remember it. XD The smiling donkey looks very cute- in fact, I just saw your post not too long ago about Eeyore! How did you convince your family to get you a donkey? I’m in a similar predicament as you once were- my brothers say that bunnies have no practical purpose, so any secrets on how to prove them wrong would be much appreciated. šŸ˜›



    1. That’s perfectly fine! XD I’m glad you enjoyed reading my posts! Amelia Island is fun. Yep, I FINALLY have a donkey! YAY! Well we have plenty of space and they don’t need too much maintenance, so I guess my parents were fine with me having one if I paid for it and took care of it. šŸ™‚ Oh dear… well bunnies can be great to cuddle with! And they can provide lots of entertainment, and it’ll be educating because you’ll learn lots about bunnies. XD


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