Little Bits of Farm Life #2

Spring is definitely here. Even though it’s supposed to get below fifty degree Friday, at least that’s a lot warmer than the twenty degrees it was during the snow last month.


The winter was very dry, but it has rained a good bit in the last few weeks. Yesterday was quite rainy. I guess April is trying to live up to its reputation. Even though I hate gray skies and the general gloomy-ness of rain, I love how green it has gotten in the past few weeks because of the rain.


The flowerbeds are full of white jonquils and creeping phlox, and the tulips have started to bloom! In May come the irises and lilies.

00 spring flowers 00 (5)

There are dandelions everywhere. In the yard, in the fields, by side of the road, and in our flowerbeds too. I like how cheery they look, and how puffy they are when they go to seed.


There are also various species of birds around our farm. Killdeer are running about by the side of the road, and bluebirds and cardinals have frequented our bird feeder. Right now I can hear a tractor driving past and the birds chirping in the trees.


The other day a tiny little bird flew into our window. When my brother opened the door to check on it, the little bird flew inside! We caught it and brought it outside after identifying it. It was a Golden-Crowned Kinglet, hardly four inches long! It stayed on my lap a few minutes while it regained it’s senses, and then flew off into the trees.



We also have a muskrat down by our pond. I didn’t even know we had muskrats around here, but apparently we do. I’ve seen him swimming in the pond from a distance, and yesterday I decided to go down to the pond to see him. He was digging up some weeds from the edge of the creek, and when he caught sight of me he ambled down into the pond. He walked like a duck and swam like a dog. I couldn’t get a good picture because I was so far away, but I could definitely see his rat-like tail and plump fury body.


The leaves on the maple trees aren’t out yet, but the willow trees have some miniature leaves on, and the maples are just about ready to pop.

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We have gone back to the grain bins quite a few times recently as it’s gotten warmer. It’s a lot of fun to jump off the ladder and into the corn below. (Photo credit to my friend Mallory.)


Finally, the barn kittens. Several times a year a barn cat that we named Violet has a litter of kittens. She’s a pretty tame barn cat, and doesn’t mind us petting her kittens. She recently had five kittens, and they are growing fast!

Do you like rain?
Have you ever seen a muskrat?

megan signoff

53 thoughts on “Little Bits of Farm Life #2

  1. Fun photos! I don’t particularly like rain(because then I can’t play basketball with CutePolarBear or take lots of photos outside), but I agree that it is great that it makes everything so green. The rain is good, just in moderation. 😉
    I don’t think I’ve ever seen a muskrat in real life, but it’s really cool that you have one in your pond.
    ~Christian Homeschooler
    P.S. I see on your sidebar that you’re reading Taggerung. How do you like it? I’m pretty sure that book was one of my favorite RedWall books.


    1. Thanks!
      Yep. I wish it would just rain and be done with it when it got dry, but often it will drizzle for a few days.
      Yeah, he’s a funny creature.
      P.S. Well we had to take it back to the library, but it liked the part that I had read!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. The picture of the bird reminded me- we went to one of the larger towns in out area the other day, and while we were in the resteraunt, a huge bird came flying in and it circled my family! I didn’t get to see what it was, though… alas…


    MUSKRATS! we had a really confused one in our creek a while back….


  3. That’s so cool that you got to see a Golden Crowned Kinglet! I saw one once, but from a distance. I’ve never seen a muskrat, but I’ve seen some beavers in our creek!!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I love your farm life posts! I only like rain when it’s raining at night, and I like to hear the soft taps on my window at night. Over the day, it looks dark and gloomy.


  5. These are some great shots girly! I can’t say I’ve ever seen a real muskrat. I am so excited for spring!! It’s been so rainy where I come from. I am more than ready for some sunshine!


  6. Ooh, I love all of your amazing photos! That first one of the rain in your hand looks super, super neat. Haha, jumping into all that corn sounds like a lot of fun. XD And awww, that’s so neat that the Golden-Crowned Kinglet stayed on your lap for a few minutes!

    I love the rain — lucky for me, it rains in Florida a lot, haha!

    As for if I’ve ever seen a muskrat… no, I can’t say that I have. XD

    Once again, I love all of your pictures! If you don’t like the rain, maybe send some over here to me… I love it! XD



      1. I mean, not that it DOESN’T look awesome… ’cause it does… but I mean it would look even MORE awesome now. XD

        Well, it looks like it rained after all! I actually woke up to a great deal of thunder and lightning this morning. XD


  7. Great photos, I can’t believe how good you and Allison are at photography! 😀 I’m not the biggest fan of rain, but I do like thunderstorms (which we get like, 1 of, a year). And I’ve never seen a muskrat, but he (or she) looked really cute! So much greenery in his mouth!! Haha! 😉

    I’m going to start a Christian magazine for girls, what do you think? I’m thinking about calling it “Christ’s Light Magazine”, does that sound good? 😉


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