BIBPC The Sixth {Category Six}

Hello everyone!

I hope you’re having a lovely day today. 🙂 It’s supposed to snow here later today, so that’s fun! Although when it melts it will be even more soggy… ah well. We can enjoy it while it lasts!

Also, how do you guys like my new blog design? It has a new mascot.

Alright, if your name isn’t in italics then I didn’t count your photo. So tell me if I did it wrong!


BIBPC #6 Team fox

  1. Anika 
  2. Hannah 
  3. Aria Lisette 
  4. Rhi || the caramel marshmallow
  5. Jaylee A. 
  6. Rose @ apurposeofwingeddogs
  7. K.A.
  8. Ara

Points from Category 1: 13

Total Points: 272

BIBPC #6 Team owl

  1. Olivia Bell
  2. Amie
  3. Gracie
  4. Mya 
  5. Isabel Eleison 
  6. Reya Heya 
  7. Liz – Home with the Hummingbirds 

Points from Category 1: 43.5

Total Points: 298.5

BIBPC #6 Team rabbit

  1. Clara
  2. Sam(antha) 
  3. Rose
  4. Sarah 
  5. Annie 
  6. vaishnavi 
  7. Sarah @ paper-ish

Points for Category 1: 39.5

Total points: 346

BIBPC #6 Team Bear

  1. Joy18 
  2. Jo @ The Lens & The Hard Drive (donkey picture!)
  3. Laura 
  4. Rosy Marr
  5. Rebcake 
  6. Esmerelda 
  7. Maria

Points from Category 1: 69

Total Points: 425

GOODNESS GRACIOUS! Why didn’t y’all enter many photos this time? XD Well, it makes things interesting I guess! And shout-out to Rose from Team Fox for entering a photo. 🙂 Don’t worry though guys, I HAVE A PLAN! Which may or may not work. But anyway, read on to see what it is!

Oh, but first lemme show you my favorite photo!


HAHA ISN’T THAT GREAT? Amie from Team Owl took this picture!

And now for the second-to-last category! With a twist. HAH!







Category the Sixth: Epiphany

Alas, I did not have an epiphany about what to do for this category, but I did figure it out eventually. XD


Seeing as this is the second to last category, and as January is National Oatmeal Month, I am going to make a bonus entry option that I’m not sure anyone will do. You can take a bonus picture of anything that makes you happy and you’ll earn three extra bonus points… for a team other than yours! 😮 You can pick any another team to “donate” the points to, as long as it’s not team bear your own team. XD But yeah, it would certainly be best to do it for a team without many points.

Welp, that’s kind of a strange thing to do, but I guess I’ll see how it turns out! And yeah, it has nothing to do with the fact that it’s National Oatmeal Month.

If you’re using the survey option, go HERE. Photos are due by 11:59 PM EST on January 18th! If you can’t take a photo this week, tell me before this coming Wednesday and I’ll give your team seven make-up points.

That’s it! Thankfully I’m less tired this time. 😉 Oh, and I’ll try to get the final result of Best of 2018 up next week!

Have a wonderful week everyone!

megan sign-off 2

60 thoughts on “BIBPC The Sixth {Category Six}

  1. Epiphany!?!?!?! Seriously Megan?!?!?!?!? *headdesk*

    Anyway, the new blog design is awesome, it looks very fresh (if that makes any sense). Love the colors.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. S0orry I forgot to submit a photo, I kept on thinking about it but forgot. Ooh, I’ll have to get thinking on ideas! I guess I’ll do the challenge ’cause even though my team isn’t doing great I’ll still help other teams. 😀 XD

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Ahhh I had a picture but I forgot to post it x-x
    Oof team Bear is just cruising :’D
    o-O srsly Megan, epiphany? 😂 i’m sure we’ll figure something out


  4. Wow Megan, you’re doing wayyy to many things are once xD GO TEAM FOOOOOOOX. That’s a great challenge! 🙂 And I think Amie is from Team Owl, not Team Rabbit.


  5. I’m looking forward to coming up with something for this! (And, I just learned what epiphany means yesterday in a book I was reading! I’m patting myself on the back for that. XD) I like nice vague prompts. 😉

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Oh my goodness I’m so sorry team fox!!!! I couldn’t think of anything for disguise and I just never got around to trying to take a picture!!! I will try to do better this time! I’m sorry y’all!
    Goodness gracious, Megan!!! Epiphany???? HOW!??

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Go team owl, we’ve made it to 3rd!!
    Epiphany… maybe I will have an epiphany for what to get a photo of, and thus my photo will be an epiphany of an epiphany!? 😛
    I had to look up the word and read the comments to learn what epiphany means… haha!

    Liked by 1 person

  8. I won’t be able to do anymore challenges. I have a concussion and I’m not supposed to do a lot of computer or photography. I’m so sad but thanks for hosting.
    Rose ❤️

    Liked by 3 people

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