Summer Flowers + a Playlist

Hello everyone!

I hope y’all are having a great day! πŸ™‚ I’m so happy that summer’s here, and with summer comes so many flowers!! Our garden is starting to burst into bloom, and then there are all the flowers around our farm and on the sides of the road. Wildflowers are such an amazing creation! All the different sizes and shapes and colors and where and when they grow… I’m so thankful God put such variation in his creation for us to enjoy. πŸ™‚

So, today I bring you a collection of the many flower photos I have, as well as some songs I’m enjoying right now. The vast majority (I use that phrase a lot, fun fact) of bloggers I follow have done one or more playlist posts recently, so you might be a little overloaded with music. But ah well! My music is the best, in my opinion. (Which is why I listen to it. Amazing!)

These aren’t really my top 15 songs or anything, because then there would just be a lot of Switchfoot. Hehe! Also I don’t think I could figure out what my favorite 15 songs are.

Okay, onwards!

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These were blooming a little while ago. The pholx (the pinkish ones) are gone now, but the others are still around.

Counting Every Blessing – Rend Collective

I don’t love all of Rend Collective’s songs, but this one is nice. πŸ˜€ It’s very happy and enthusiastic. I don’t know what genre this is in. I guess praise and worship?

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Some Garden Phlox at our hardware store.

The Strength To Let Go – Switchfoot

Switchfoot! πŸ˜€ They’re my favorite band and have been for quite a while. (Sadly though they haven’t had a concert near us since a few months before I started liking their music about three years ago. If anyone knows the band members, please tell them I’d like them to do a concert near me. Thanks! XD) Anyway, this is one of my favorite song off their new album. Not sure what genre it is. Maybe Alternative Christian Rock? Anyway, it’s a good one.

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These are definitely unique flowers! They’re soft and velvety too. I bought some of these and am going to see how they work in my room.

Compass – Shawn McDonald

If this is Christian Pop, then it’s one of my favorite songs in that genre. It’s quite catchy! I haven’t really heard any other Shawn McDonald songs, but this one is nice.

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Chives maybe? Another hardware store flower, whatever it is.

Make This Leap – The Hunts

The Hunts are a band made up of seven siblings! They mostly do love songs, which kind of get repetitive after a while, but they aren’t bad and I really like the music. πŸ™‚ This one is very bouncy and happy, but not all-over-the-place bouncy.

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I think these might be Mexican Sunflowers. They are pretty! I like it when flowers have two toned petals.

Deliverance – Strahan

I like about two of Strahan’s songs, but the two I like are great! The other ones are fine, just plenty soft for my tastes. Anyway Deliverance is a great song with a strong beat but pretty mild singing. Don’t know what genre this is. Christian Folk? I don’t know how one knows these things. I clearly don’t! It’s a nice catchy song. The lyrics aren’t super unique, but they’re fine. πŸ˜€

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This is a very unique flower! And it was in the shade which throws off the lighting.

Self Less – Josh Wilson

This is like the opposite of the previous song. The music isn’t my favorite, but I like it for the lyrics. Which do get a bit repetitive. BUT ANYWAY! The chorus is my favorite:

“It ain’t about thinking less of myself
Just thinking of myself less

EXACTLY. How about self less instead of self love? Get your mind off yourself for a bit. Maybe it’ll help. πŸ™‚

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Cosmos! They’re so light and airy.

El Shaddai – Dogwood & Holly

This song gets a bit tense and sort of screamy, but it’s not hard rock music. Just very passionate singing. πŸ˜› I really like it though, apart from the screaming section! It’s supposed to be like Job, which is neat.

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This is so fuzzy! I don’t remember the name of it, but it was a long one starting with a G.

Monday Comes Around – Switchfoot

Now Switchfoot has both wonderful music and lyrics! I recently got Spotify so now I can listen to their old albums. The songs are a bit harder than their newer ones, so you might not like them as much if you prefer mellow music. But I like it! πŸ™‚

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Gothic flowers. Or something like that. XD They are pretty though, just very different from what I normally think of flowers. I think these are either pansies or violas. I’m not sure what the difference is.

Sleeping – Relient K

“You’ll make a butter lettuce salad with all natural ingredients, except for cottage cheese.”

^ That lyric is the main reason I like this song.

But it’s also just a nice catchy song. I’ve gotten a bit tired of the music, but the lettuce salad part is great.

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We’re done with hardware store flowers now! The flowers in our garden are blooming. The first ones were calendulas!


I like the music of this one. The “da-doo, da-doo” part of the song gets very stuck in my head whenever I hear it. I guess this genre is just plain ol’ rock?

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I found this cute little sprig of Venus’ Looking Glass when we were at the pool yesterday.

Trust in Jesus – Third Day

Good song. I like it. I’m running out of things to say about all these songs. XD

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A tiny little bouquet from the garden flower patch! Calendula, bachelor’s button, and mom thinks the white flower is a type of baby’s breath!

Air I Breathe – Mat Kearney

Whenever I think of Mat Kearney I think of him playing at a NEEDTOBREATHE concert we went to and him singing for so long when we just wanted to hear NTB. XD But I do like this song by him!

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Eep I love this photo! I wish I would have focused on the front flower, but anyway, the blue sky makes a great background!

Moving Forward – Colony House

We shall end on a nice, uplifting, bouncy song! πŸ™‚

There we go, I hope you enjoyed the photos and the songs! And have a wonderful rest of your day. πŸ™‚

favorite song of the ones above?

favorite thing about flowers?

P.S. Don’t forget to sign up for the Summer Bored Games!

P.P.S. If you haven’t seen my Etsy shop in a while, go check it out! I have a wildflower kit too to fit this posts theme. πŸ™‚

36 thoughts on “Summer Flowers + a Playlist

  1. Oooh, pretty flowers, Megan! AND BRIDGES BURN IS ONE OF MY FAVORITES FOR THE SAME REASON. I love that one! I listen to it once and then sing it for DAYYYYS. XD Our calendulas were up first, but I have the most MAGNIFICENT poppies now, and many beautiful zinnias.


  2. SWITCHFOOOT!!!! Ahem…I meant, gorgeous photos, Megan, and a great playlist! I would just love to see Switchfoot live too. Most of my fam saw them 4 yrs ago, unfortunately I was under the age limit *sobs*. I don’t actually like their very first albums that much, I think Vice Verses was the best. And yeah, that ‘da-doo’ in Bridges Burn gets stuck in your head forever after you hear it once XD


    1. YAY!! πŸ˜€ And yay, glad you liked them! Oh dear, that’s very tragic! 😦 Yeah, I didn’t used to like their first albums but I do now. πŸ™‚ Vice Verses is good! They have several different styles throughout their albums which is fun to hear.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Awesome songs!! The lyrics in that Relient K song. XD XD Beautiful pictures!! πŸ˜€ I loved this post!! πŸ˜€


  4. HOORAY I LOVED THIS POST! All of your flower photos are so colorful and bright, and the music is great too! I’m listening to the Relient K song right now. Also, the same thing that happened to you with Switchfoot happened to me with Rend Collective – they had a concert less than an hour from us just a few weeks before I started really liking their music. *sniff* I hope you get to see Switchfoot soon! πŸ˜€
    This was a great post! I can’t wait for your next one. πŸ™‚

    -Clara ❀


  5. Beautiful flowers pictures! I love that Josh Wilson song, mostly because I’m 99.999% sure it’s based off the C.S.Lewis quote β€œHumility isn’t thinking less of yourself, it’s thinking of yourself less.” and I love CSL.


  6. Ooh, I love how aesthetic this entire post is! I’ll have to check out some of those songs, I’m always looking for new music to listen too!


  7. “gothic flowers. Or something like that.” XD that’s just a gem of a description. Your photos are lovely! And that playlist? *happy squealing* NEEDTOBREATHE is wonderful, something I only discovered after seeing how you always mentioned it. πŸ˜‰


  8. Fun post, Megan! Those photos are so pretty!! God made everything so wonderful, and it’s amazing seeing His creation bloom since it’s summer. 😊 –Ohhhh, I really like that Rend Collective song!! It’s one of my favorites by them. πŸ˜€


  9. Your flower photography is so beautiful, I love seeing it every time you decide to post some! I want to come hang in your flower garden! xD


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