Photoshoot with Basil

Hello everyone! It’s been a long time since I did a post completely about bunnies, so a few days ago I let Basil romp about in our yard while I took some pictures of her. I got about 150 photos, but almost half of them were a white blur. XD I picked fortyish of my favorites to show you.

Basil is almost always hungry. She’s attempted to eat my coat or shirt several times.

I love her ears!

Here her ears are both straight up for some reason. I hope they always normally stay one up and one down.

There she goes!

No Basil! That ear needs to go down. XD

She looks most unamused in that picture.

Truck photobomb.

She’s so CUTE! I love it when she stands up.

Basil! The ears!

Bunny on the run.

I like taking pictures of the back of her ears.

Basil was running around and then she turned around and ran straight up me and onto my shoulder (I was sitting down).

Basil and her huge foot.

And that’s all! I hope you enjoyed this photoshoot!

do you like basil’s ears one up and one down? 

which of basil’s “poses” were your favorite?


109 thoughts on “Photoshoot with Basil

  1. Oh my goodness that bunny is ADORABLE!!!!
    All of her poses were so cute. I especially liked the lop-sided ears and when she was sitting on your shoulder. 🙂


    1. I guess maybe I should have called her a rabbit, but I wanted to call her a bunny because that’s what i thought of when I saw those pictures. 😉


  2. Basil is adorable! Amazing photography, Megan. I like it when she stands up too – though she’s probably EVEN CUTER in real life. Can I have her? PLEAAASE. SHE’S JUST SO CUTE AND I AM BUNNY-DEPRIVED. 😉 😀


      1. You’re so welcome! 😀
        OH, BUT PLEASE, SHE’S JUST SO ADORABLE. I WANT HERRR. Okay, sounds about fair. Though I’m not sure if my parents will let me.. XD 😉


      2. *puppy dog face* (Ma’am, I think. But I only know that from when I read Little House a couple of years ago. They said it a lot. XD) And yes, quite an obstacle, I should say. XD


  3. SO CUTE!!! Eek, I love Basil so much, ears in any position, haha! My favorite was her on her hind legs and the one of her on her shoulder, haha! 😀


  4. Oh goodness, MY HEART… Basil is absolutely adorable!! My sister and I were looking into getting a bunny, and I think you have convinced me. Do you keep Basil outside? And what breed is she? 🙂 She’s a real cutie pie!


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