Six More Inchworms (and a Piggy)




Hey guys! Today I have six more of my little clay inchworms to show you. 🙂
I also have a magician inchworm, but unfortunately I forgot to take a photo of him! I’ll have to do him in another group of inchies. 😉

This is my flower-maiden inchworm. I actually took pictures for a tutorial on how to make her. 🙂 Would anybody be interested in it?

Megan (Inchy B, clay, keyboard, jinx, fish, clouds, geese) 027 (1024x768)

Megan (Inchy B, clay, keyboard, jinx, fish, clouds, geese) 026 (1024x768)

Megan (Inchy B, clay, keyboard, jinx, fish, clouds, geese) 025 (1280x960)

This is Harold and his pet snail, Polly.

Megan (Inchy B, clay, keyboard, jinx, fish, clouds, geese) 028 (1024x768)

Megan (Inchy B, clay, keyboard, jinx, fish, clouds, geese) 029 (1024x768)

Megan (Inchy B, clay, keyboard, jinx, fish, clouds, geese) 030 (1024x768)

Here are two twins. The boy is named Jim and the girl is named Katrina. 🙂

Megan (Inchy B, clay, keyboard, jinx, fish, clouds, geese) 031 (1024x768)

Megan (Inchy B, clay, keyboard, jinx, fish, clouds, geese) 032 (1024x768)

Megan (Inchy B, clay, keyboard, jinx, fish, clouds, geese) 033 (1024x768)

This is the ‘cool’ inchworm, Clovis. He’s relaxing on a beach towel. I actually made him when it was quite cold. 😛

Megan (Inchy B, clay, keyboard, jinx, fish, clouds, geese) 034 (1024x768)

Megan (Inchy B, clay, keyboard, jinx, fish, clouds, geese) 036 (1024x768)

Now for my more recent ones. Let’s start with the professor. His glasses could have been better, but it’s rather hard to make glasses that are about half a centimeter long… I’ll call him Prof. Crumbles.

Megan 081 (800x600)

This guy is a chef. Chef Bernie, to be exact.

Megan 074 (800x600)

Megan 070 (800x600)

Megan 075 (800x600)

And last of all, here’s Shirley, she’s albino. I wonder if real inchworms can be albino… no. Surely not. XD

Megan 072 (800x600)

Megan 071 (800x600)

Megan 073 (800x600)

And as the title said, here’s a little piggy. He’s quite green, but rather cute!

Megan (Inchy B, clay, keyboard, jinx, fish, clouds, geese) 014

I have fourteen inchworms, I believe. 🙂

Would you like an inchworm tutorial?


I failed mom’s ‘Dusting 101’… 😦 😥 😛

27 thoughts on “Six More Inchworms (and a Piggy)

  1. Awwww, they’re all so cute! The professor is my favorite. 😀 I’d love to see an inchworm tutorial! 🙂

    -Clara ❤


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