Happy (Late) Thanksgiving!


Hello everyone!

I hope everyone enjoyed their thanksgiving! Or maybe you still have something left! 😊

I meant to post this yesterday, but we were so busy! After lunch we went on a four mile walk around our farm’s boundaries, then we went to my grandmothers for a delicious thanksgiving supper.  To top that off we went Black Friday shopping with my aunt, grandmother, and cousins from 9:00 PM – 1:00 AM! Whoo!

We just got back from another round of black Friday shopping, so now I have time to post!

Fifty Things I am Thankful for.

Yeah. I know! I am going to try and write a thankful post. But it might end up being more like twenty…. Anyway, let’s try! These are in no particular order.

  1. A roof over my head
  2. Jesus
  3. Books
  4. School breaks
  5. A blog with awesome followers who somehow manage to write great comments about my posts
  6. A camera
  7. Being able to earn money by gathering eggs
  8. A adorable rabbit of my very own
  9. My family
  10. Cousins, aunts, and uncles
  11. Wonderful grandparents
  12. Being able to walk to both of my wonderful grandparents houses
  13. A huge farm with lots of fun places to explore
  14. Kittens playing in barns
  15. Being able to finish school usually before lunch
  16. Maggie
  17. Jinx
  18. Coffee bean
  19. Our own garden
  20. Watches
  21. Playing in grain bins
  22. A brain (hehe!)
  23. Clothes
  24. Knowing how to get around computer problems
  25. Cars
  26. A four-wheeler that I know how to drive
  27. Fun vacations
  28. Tissues
  29. Home videos
  30. So many different kinds of flowers ( 😉 to Rebekah)
  31. Field radishes that we can pick even in November
  32. Wendy’s fast food restaurant. Yummy!
  33. Dishwashers
  34. Nature studies with our friends
  35. Church
  36. ATCs
  37. Online stores
  38. The World Wide Web
  39. Knowing what I want for Christmas
  40. Being able to have gotten to number forty
  41. Hairbrushes
  42. People who are still reading this post
  43. A mom who knows how to cook delicious meals
  44. A dad who knows how to fix most anything
  45. Color
  46. The ability to read and write
  47. Electricity
  48. Fingers
  49. Different weather
  50. All the other many things I forgot

Woo-hoo! I actually got to fifty! When you think about it, there really are so many things that we should give thanks to God for, not just on thanksgiving, but every single day!

Have a very happy thanksgiving everybody! And thank you (there’s another one) for reading!

megan sign off

I AM GETTING A NEW CAMERA!!! I ordered it today and it should be here sometime between December 12th and December 21st… So long to wait! But when I get it I want to do a review on it. Would you like that?

23 thoughts on “Happy (Late) Thanksgiving!

  1. I LOVE hairbrushes! My hair would be VERY MAD without them! (As would I!) 🙂 😀 🙂 Great post! I loved it! I’ve been wanting to do something like this on ,my blog! Happy thanksgiving to you too!
    P.S. I still have thanksgiving things going on! I’m excited too!


  2. Love this post Megan! I read all 50 thing you were thankful for and I agree with every one of them!! Also I was wondering do you make the Happy Thanksgiving edit? Because it is beautiful!!! I love it! ♥ Happy Thanksgiving Megan! 🙂


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