BIBPC the Third


I’m so excited for the return of BIBPC. (To tell you the truth, I started writing this at the beginning of July) I know a lot of you guys know about BIBPC, but in case you don’t, here’s what it is.

BIBPC (Boring Into Beautiful Photography Contest) is a contest where photographers under 20 (I’d like to make this a challenge for younger bloggers) can compete with each other. You will be organized into teams and given a category to take a photo of. When you have taken the photo you can post it on your blog or, if you do not have a blog, I will get up a way that you can submit your photo, no email required.  I will look at each photo and grade it on quality, creativeness, how hard it would have been to get, and how well you stuck to the category.

If you want to enter.

Comment saying what two teams you would prefer to be on. I may not be able to get everyone onto their most wanted team. Also, it would be helpful to say if you have a DSLR camera, a digital camera, or a phone/iPod.



  1. Look for post to say which team you are on and what the category is. That post will be on August 6th.
  2. Take a picture for the category I posted. It can be taken three years ago or that day, as long as it is taken by you.
  3. Post your picture on your blog and if you want, tag it ‘BIBPC photo’ (only if you have a WordPress blog) then send me a link to your post.
  4. After four days I will post the team’s points and the next category. BIBPC should end around September 5th. There will be 7 categories.

How to Get Bonus Points For Your Team:

  • Make your subject start with the letter B. ~ 2 points
  • Write a little bit about how you got the photo. ~ 1 point

And now, presenting… THE TEAMS!

Team SmoothieTeam PopsicleTeam Ice CreamTeam Lemonade


And now, for the big question: WILL YOU ENTER? XD


We looked at a two million dollar motorhome. We are TOTALLY buying that. XD 😛 No, I’m kidding. We are not millionaires. 😀

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