Camera Quotes

Hey guys! I wanted to share some photography/camera quotes with you today. 😀 Enjoy! The ones with out ‘vias’ are the ones I made up and designed. 😀

Camera Quote

A laugh for you all :).   Shoppe Satire ~ Humor for Photographers ~ Photography Jokes » The Shoppe Designs Blog:


Photography.. Repin & Like. Hear #NoelitoFlow #Noel Music

Noo… that’s not my reason… but this is so funny! XD Photo via

camera moment.PNG

shoot photos


37 thoughts on “Camera Quotes

  1. Haha! That was great!!! 😀 Oh, that one with the ‘dreadful moment’ …SO TRUE!!!! Especially when your camera was VERY VERY VERY expensive!!! :O AAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!


      1. I’m glad for Daddy, cause he knew where MY camera was, last time I was looking for it! 😀 Of COURSE, that’s not the only reason I love him! xD 😀 🙂


  2. LOL! These were funny! Mine’s too small to be a necklace, but if I hadn’t lost the strap I could wear my camera as a bracelet. XD
    I loved the one about “that dreadful moment when you can’t find your camera”. That’s me all the time!


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