Carmen’s Guest Post

Valentine’s Day. 🙂

Valentine’s day is about love. So that’s why we celebrate it. It’s special. I love Valentine’s Day because you get candy and it’s just fun! But I also like Christmas. That’s better but I like Valentines too.

Why I’m talking about Valentines is because I am making a story about Valentine’s Day.  Because its the Valentine week. And it’s just the year, too, so why can’t I talk about it? Valentine’s day is all about hearts and loving each other. But the main color I think is red. But my brother and my mom thinks it is pink. Well, actually, my mom just kind of thinks it’s pink. If you think its pink, you can reply back like that. But I think it’s red. Because on Valentine’s day, the hearts are always red, not pink. What’s you favorite color? When you want to reply back then please say what your favorite color is. If you don’t know you don’t have to reply that back to me. Some people don’t know, I think at least. So let’s move on to Valentine’s day. Actually I’m going to do a poem about Valentine’s day. Okay, so here it is.

Valentine’s hearts are red, to me it seems like it.

But my brother thinks it’s pink, and my mom sort of thinks its pink.

But I think its red, as long as a rose.

We celebrate Valentine’s day as a mose.

And that’s the end of the poem! 🙂 🙂

And I made up the Mose word! Because it seemed to rhyme. And it also rhymes with roses. and roses are red and so are Valentine hearts! So I decided to do that. And my words are going to be red, since it’s Valentine’s day. I know my favorite color is purple but I decided to do red since it’s Valentine’s week. So after I’m done with the story which I’m saying right now, I’m going to write it in red, so see I’m not done with it yet and that’s because I’m talking about that. But I’m still talking Valentine’s because I’m talking about red. And red is about Valentine’s day and love! 🙂 And I think smiley faces are nice, so I did a smiley face, haha! Now I’m going to do a Valentine’s song.

Valentines day, Valentine’s day, is so pretty and nice and loving and giving because it talks about love. Christmas does too. But not as much as Valentine’s day because Valentines is all about love, completely about love.

Alright. I am done with my song. 🙂 🙂 Smiley faces are cute! Now I’m going to do a lot of hearts. How about ten?

❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤

I was doing Valentine’s day then because I was showing pictures of hearts! 🙂 Now I’m going to talk about red and now it is here. Okay. Here it goes.

Roses are red, and also valentines hearts. And also lipstick! And also string can be red or yarn can too. Yarn is pretty, but string is prettier because it’s not as rough. Yarn is more ruffly and fluffly and string is more smooth. I was still talking about Valentine’s day because I was talking about red yarn. Every word that you say


talks about Valentine’s day because Valentine’s day hearts are red. And Valentine’s day word means also Valentines. The word red is a color. I’m sure you know that. I wonder if anybody doesn’t know the word red. At least you guys do I think. If you want to reply you can say of course I know the name red.  Because most people do. And I was talking about Valentine’s day too because I said red in my guest post. Now I’m going to show you a picture and then that’s going to be the end.


The End.

I think you know that Valentine’s day is about red…. right? XD

Megan signsoff hearts


26 thoughts on “Carmen’s Guest Post

  1. Great post, Carmen! You did such a good job with it. I agree that smiley faces are very cute. 😛
    My favorite color is turquoise. Red is a good one, too! 😉 What’s your favorite color?

    -Clara ❤


      1. Purple is a great color!

        -Clara ❤

        P.S: Megan, I just wanted to let you know that comments are turned off on your latest post. 🙂


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