Brownie Stand

The past two months we have been doing a brownie stand off and on. We sell the brownies by our dirt road. And yes, we have sold brownies to more then just family and friends. We have got around $100 off of our Brownie Stand.  Me, my two cousins, and my sister usually do the brownie stand, although originally just me and my younger brother did it. While doing the brownie stand, I have learned the recipe by heart. Eggs, sugar, salt, vanilla, cocoa powder, flour, and…. Uh, well okay, I guess I didn’t learn the whole recipe by heart. Butter! That’s it! Ha! I do know the recipe by heart. Anyway, we have bought a big tube for the pool, ingredients for coffee, ingredients for brownies, and ingredients for lemonade with the money. We are thinking about donating some to a charity.

Here are a few pictures of the Brownie stand.


 Apparently Allison does not quite know what I’m doing!

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The sign for the Brownie stand.

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Here are pictures of the ice coffee and brownies. We had lemonade, but I didn’t get a picture.

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The day I took these pictures we only sold brownies to one customer.  Thankfully we had some entertainment.

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So, now you know about The Brownie Stand!

So long!





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